This section contains the documentation for the Template::Plugin::* modules.
- Template::Plugin::Assert - trap undefined values
- Template::Plugin::CGI - Interface to the CGI module
- Template::Plugin::Datafile - Plugin to construct records from a simple data file
- Template::Plugin::Date - Plugin to generate formatted date strings
- Template::Plugin::Directory - Plugin for generating directory listings
- Template::Plugin::Dumper - Plugin interface to Data::Dumper
- Template::Plugin::File - Plugin providing information about files
- Template::Plugin::Filter - Base class for plugin filters
- Template::Plugin::Format - Plugin to create formatting functions
- Template::Plugin::HTML - Plugin to create HTML elements
- Template::Plugin::Image - Plugin access to image sizes
- Template::Plugin::Iterator - Plugin to create iterators (Template::Iterator)
- Template::Plugin::Math - Plugin providing mathematical functions
- Template::Plugin::Pod - Plugin interface to Pod::POM (Pod Object Model)
- Template::Plugin::Procedural - Base class for procedural plugins
- Template::Plugin::Scalar - call object methods in scalar context
- Template::Plugin::String - Object oriented interface for string manipulation
- Template::Plugin::Table - Plugin to present data in a table
- Template::Plugin::URL - Plugin to construct complex URLs
- Template::Plugin::View - Plugin to create views (Template::View)
- Template::Plugin::Wrap - Plugin interface to Text::Wrap